Discrimination policy

In Swedish

Changing attitudes actively strives to, in several ways, contribute to a more fair-minded and equal world where no human being is ever discriminated against. The following 5 points form our policy on how to combat discrimination:



Changing attitudes will not tolerate that any of our members or anyone who our members may come in contact be discriminated against, regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, background or any other reason.


The European Convention on Human Rights that protects the human freedoms and rights; Freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly and association will permeate the our work at all levels.

Article 14, the prohibition of discrimination determined by the European Convention on Human Rights brings up this;

“The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.“


We will, to the extent possible, actively strive to be enriched by people from all backgrounds and cultures. This will bring diversity and a depth to our work which then will generate positive results and a culture within the organization favoring our work, our members, and our goal that is eliminating all attitudes leading to sex-buying.


We won’t accept any form of discrimination, offensive treatment, bullying, harassments, sexual harassments, reprisals or condescending attitudes against an employee, a volunteer, a member or anyone who gets in contact with members etc. Action will always be taken if any discrimination to occur. To treat each other with respect will indicative in our communication, our relationships with each other, and in everything we do.


Changing attitudes will be characterized by an everything-is-possible attitude, optimism and efficiency, and always strive to reach and maintain a constantly open and solution-focused communication, delivering high quality in everything we do, and always making sure we never stop evolving.